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Writer's pictureLowell Beasley

Ellen AND #WE Champion; The Bachelor's Hannah Ann

Unless you have somehow lived under a rock the past few months, or just avoided all media, you undoubtedly ARE familiar with Hannah Ann. Her plight and role on the 2020 season of The Bachelor caught all America's heart, as she became a recent media darling. But Hannah Ann Sluss is being championed by #WE/ Women Empowerment Movement, The Ellen Show and so many others, not for catching The Bachelor Peter Webb's heart, then being dumped publicly nationally as he reneged in favor of her competition.

She was America's choice for The Bachelor, Peter Webb. Even Peter's mom was cheerleading for her, telling her son to pick Hannah Ann. But Peter proposed to Hannah Ann, then reneged.

But that is not our story here. Nor the reason she recently appeared on The Ellen Show, and the other talk shows.

What endeared Hannah Ann most was her response, her reaction to all of this. Most females in her position, in the past, simply disappeared, got spiteful or just walked away temporarily, only to come back spiteful and full of drama, and rightfully so.

But not Hannah Ann.

This dazzling wholesome beauty became Ellen's hero, as well as our #WE heroine, by the rare and overwhelming, inspiring grace,beauty, elegance and honor she has shown in her responses, her recounting of her experience, and her taking the real high road constantly through it all.

As thousands, if not millions, of young girls watch her across the nation, she has driven home that it is not what happens to us, it is our response that makes us succeed in life. She has showcased her inward beauty in every way, showing she is as beautiful on the inside as she is on the outside.

She has said everything turns out the way its supposed to, and life has its reasons. She dismisses any bitterness as " its his loss" ( and it is), and she wishes him and her competitor " the very best". Hannah Ann has blazed a new 2020 trail of the Michelle Obama statement, " when they go low, we go high".

She has no regrets. Her wisdom, her answers, are wholesome, inspiring and just exude real, genuine beauty.

In a Kardashian culture and nation of drama queens, Hannah Ann is a walking , talking living testament to what a REAL #empowered woman should talk like and walk like.

#WE salutes Hanna Ann Sluss as a living testament to Women Empowerment Movement.

Hannah Ann was a successful model before The Bachelor , but #WE believes her best is before her.

#WE salutes her for capturing the attention of American media BY being pure, BY being " the perfect girl next door", BY being classy, and using her celebre to remind us all of the definition of TRUE beauty, inside and out. It is her beauty within that so amplifies her beauty on the exterior.

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